
Ancient colonnial city, lampang is a charming place of Thailand without any fakeness. If you want to see what is a thaï life, you are at the right place. Go for a walk at the park and you will see all the typicaly activities like some kinf of football-tennis or some aerobic dances with someone to show you the moves. Go  to see the market place and you will have a very good idea of what is a local diet is in all its variety. You can also stroll along the riverside and see a very simple thaï life far from touristic preocupations.



Three things to see in Lampang

The spicies shop

In Talad Gao Rd you will discover the oldest houses of the town. Not very easy to find but you can reconize them from their front side, some are very detailled, some are in real Tek wook. In one of those you will find a spicies shop. The smell should already show you the way. This is not a huge place but you will easily find an original small gift to offer for some friends. From this street, some cariages propose tours around the city.

Wat Phra That LampangLuang



This temple is on a uphill and you need to climb those beautiful stairs to access it. There are several buildings, two  buildings to pray, one downstairs and one on the right of the place. In a small building there is a lying Buddha (the decorations under his feet are wonderful). On the back of the area you will find the same small monk’s houses you are now used to.

Wat Bun Koet



On the uphills of the city, you will have to do some exercises to to climb the small slope to get there. An ancient stone gate will show you the way. On the monument behind the temple you will have a greta view on the mountains surrounding you. A very ancient temple all made in wood is being restored (July 2016). It is already loonking magnificient and no doubt, once the reparation are done, it will be a must see in the whole region.

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